For the two realms, Life and Death, sleep together with Time.
Sunday, May 31, 2009

I have a perfectly fine temper, thank you very much CB.

Unfortunately, I don't have the pleasure of understanding what CB is talking about.
And I also have a feeling that I don't know what I'm blabbering on about too.

So, like her, I shall post simply for the sake of it.


8:03 PM

One word. No, one sentence, actually. Which can be quite funny. If you want it to be. I like to eat

 screws! No, that wasn't the sentence. But screws are nice to eat. That wasn't it, either. Ok, my

 very interesting, I mean, genius-ish revelation-no, not revelation, discovery- is that... wait for it,

 wait for it... uhm. I think I spoke about screws too much. I forgot.


I think this is the quote but it may be slightly off the mark, since I can't be bothered to flip

 around 'Lirael' for that line. Beggars can't be choosers if the choosing's not their begging. 

You know what that means, don't you? Ah, I'm so glad you do. It means that water bottles

 have joined in the revolution, regardless of Lady Cheeseberry's warnings! Oh, woe is me. Oh, no

 it's not. Ha. I don't really care if water bottles are striked down by Zeus, nor do I care if

 Poseidon expels them from his kingdom. Cos Kibeth is here, here to conquer! HA! 

That was random. I was combining 2 serieses together. ... I love Toggi Chocolate. I want a gold

 hand. I think it's so cool Lirael lost both her hand and the Disreputable Dog in the battle with

 Orannis. And even cooler that Mogget was actually Yrael. But the bells are the best. Ranna,

 Saraneth, Mosrael, Dyrim, Kibeth, Balgaer, and Astarael. I want either Astarael, or Saraneth.

 Kibeth sounds nice too. 

I shall end now. Note that this font is super big. Just to piss Jupiter off. >D

7:38 PM

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Today, I shall post on the topic of DIGESTION. Now, I know that many of you are under the impression that it is a boring topic. Quite naturally so, especially if they ask you about the contraction of metal and all that crap. Oh wait. That's not in digestion is it? The point is. It can be highly interesting! Today, I am going to talk about why food makes you sleepy. And what can be done to counteract it. Let it never be said I don't do my research, I have taken the initiative to take a survey. I have the opinions of two: Namely, the Cow and the Dead Hands. But we all agree on one thing. Food makes you sleepy because the Pencil Lead in it will poison the spores in your throat and fungi will grow out of it, into your brain. Thus it will make you sleepy. But what can be done to make you feel alert once more? The varied answers are displayed below as such:

Cow: I feel that chewing on a piece of grass works, because, in my humble egoistical opinion, the grass will grow on your throat and quickly overlap the fungi. Therefore, blah blah blah.

Dead Hands: I myself don't eat and therefore can only rely on my dead intuition. It tells me to drink river water to encourage the fungi to grow. Then, it will kill you. After that, you can die, get summoned by a necromancer like me, and then you'll never have to eat again. Ha.

Myself, I prefer a more straight forward way. Let me just present one sentence to you, which says it all: Saya suka makan orang!

Have a nice day. 

CB. (Jupiter: I hope I got this one right.) 

5:36 PM

Friday, May 29, 2009

Today is the last day of school.

Exams may be over but learning never ends.

The last day of school, huh.


5:15 PM

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Ah the IB has posted.
And just to make this official - without counting this post,

IB has posted a total of 8 posts,
CB a total of 7 posts
and I, Jupiter, who has posted a total of 17 posts.
(If my information is inaccurate, feel free to correct it.)


7:45 PM

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I shall dedicate a post to the subject of smoking.
Because someone was going on and on about 'Living it Up without Lighting it Up' this morning.
According to some research, the gory pictures on the cigarette packets are not preventing people from smoking. (admit it, the smokers flash them around to look badass.)
Therefore, I suggest that we take a new approach!
What if, in some alternate dimension, all cigarette packets came in hot pink, with lots of sparkles?
What if - oh - they were CHEESE flavoured?
Add in some pictures of freaky unicorns/teletubbies/can-openers and you're done.
Of course, there are some people who would like this design, but they do make up a very small percentage of our population.
So we can all live it up without lighting it up! :DD
If the sparkles do not blind us first.

And now, while I go kill myself because of all those retarded things I'd just said, go watch Draw with Me, if you haven't yet.
Honestly, this is the first video I posted that is not about some retarded thing.

IB (program :D)

-- I am going to be towing a gigantinormous bag of book-trash home tomorrow! So beware, for I can always throw it at you. You.

8:56 PM

We have a grand total of 30 posts.
An average of 10 posts per person.
Impressive, is it not?
Considering that all three of us are rather lazy individuals, it was quite an achievement. 
Hence I shall add one more.

Dear reader-
Travelling is never always a pleasure. This author had to face that sad truth not just yesterday but also today when I was heading back home from the Yellow-and-Blue Girls' School I am currently attending.

It was raining yesterday. I must admit I do not have a strong aversion to rain and I do find it refreshing at times. However, yesterday's 'little' pour was most untimely. It occurred on my way home and I had to be obliged to take out my umbrella to shield myself. That itself wasn't as bad. But it got worse as I was forced to keep my mouth from uttering words that could possibly sound like vulgar curses as I realized that my umbrella was doing nothing other than keep a miserable patch of my head and shoulders dry. My bag was weighed down by the water.

Then today. It was not raining. We had to clear our desk and lockers. It was also untimely as I had to clear everything out by today and had not been informed until about 5 minutes before dismissal. This author could be spotted dragging her school bag (in which I stuffed my mathematical set, textbook, workbook and file on top of everything else I had originally placed in it) and her tablet case (in which a tablet personal computer, foolscap papers, some other files and English Literature storybooks where fitted into) and lastly a plastic bag (that held all the other crap I could not put into my other carriers). I was feeling tired, really. Upon reaching home, I was greeted by a long response to my pressing of the doorbell, an exhausted looking mother and sweat that began to trickle down my back.

We had also received our report books back today. Nothing more can be said on that topic.


PS. CB that shall not be your last post.
PPS. IB it's your turn.

6:08 PM

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I'm a nice person, never let anyone say anything to dispute that. Do you not see the extent of my nice-ness is pulling Jupiter out of her... ah, misery that no one else is updating? Oh yes, Lady Cheeseberry, it seems, has run out of steam, with nothing else to say. She did, however, pass me a small passage, which I am to put up for her. I shall do so at the end of this post. Right now, I have just realised that I am speaking more and more formally, almost good English, which is really... uhm, odd. This must be a result of reading so many Julia Quinn books. I hav this sudden urge to read 'How To Marry a Marquis' again, for the sake of laughing. But I've just bought 3 new books, borrowed one from Invinsibleberry so it is hardly appropriate to borrow another from Jupiter, is it now? I like walking in the rain. I did that today, on the way to the MRT station. A certain somebody snatched away invinsibleberry's umbrella because she was made up of butter so that she wouldn't melt in the rain. It was to cold to guarantee she would not melt. Therefore the rest of us 'not-made-of-butter' ones walked in the rain. It was especially fun to stomp into a puddle of water and splash Invinsibleberry's feet, to get back at her. Ah yes, life is good. For now. Until the Report Books come back, at least. Then I shall be certain I would want to be the little guy in Karoshi Suicide Salaryman. Which I have just finished! Goodness, it's really a wonderful game. And now, I present to you Lady Cheeseberry's possibly-the-last piece of work. Enjoy.

Lady Cheeseberry's Society Papers-26 May 2009
Dear Reader;
It seems that PA has been in a rather good mood these days, as she has been letting the pupils have some fun during her lessons. Now, she is not a bad person, woman, or teacher. It is just that she is unnaturally focused on finishing her syllabus, that we, or rather she, does not have any time for anything else. But, on to more important news. It has come to my attention that windows are now swinging wildly on their hinges, back and forth, and my informant has recently pointed out that soon, other inanimate objects will start flying soon. This is very important news indeed, and very grave, as well. This signals the uprising of the inanimates, if there is even such a word. Soon, televisions will rule the world, but then again, it might as well have ruled 3 quarters of it, so obsessed with it are many. I, myself, am proud to announce I do not watch much Television. Rather, I find myself more compelled to vote for the TPC should it lead to the point where we shall have to vote for an inanimate as the Ruler of the World. We shall measure ourselves by it, for example, one might exclaim, 'I weigh 15.56 of the 1995 edition Tablet PCs! But listen, that's not all. I also measure exactly at 67.221 breadths of the 2001 edition of the Tablet PC.' Wouldn't that be capital! Not. I find myself rather unhappy at having to bow down to an inanimate, if you ask me. And while the windows are staging a revolt, it seems that lamp-posts have been at it for a much longer time. For example, a few weeks before the windows started to swing wildly back and forth, the lamp-posts started to fly. Now, flying lamp-posts are all very well, seeing as they are considerably lighter than aeroplanes, but I suggest that we-both humans and lamp-posts-leave the sky to the birds. Otherwise, unintended, and horrible events might spell themselves out, such as lamp-posts falling onto someone's plate of cheese, which shall result, of course, into the poor lamp-post being maimed and disfigured, and invariably, dishonoured and shamed; or even dead! Wouldn't that be just a tragedy, if lamp-posts become a rarity, an endangered inanimate? Surely it means doomsday. Would it not have been for the sinular lamp-post in 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe', the children might not have found their way home, and they would be left there to rot in eternal peace. Tempting as that may be, I rather doubt that those creatures would have wanted to make their mother suffer and worry. Thus, I urge you all, lamp-posts and aeroplanes alike-Do not fly. Revolt if you must; but never fly. You never know when an army of birds might come after you and peck a hole in your structure, dear inanimates. With this, I end my little sheet. This might well be my last piece, and much as I regret to tell you that, I cannot help but feel the slightest bit relieved. Au Revoir. 
-Lady Cheeseberry, 26 May 2009

6:05 PM

I see that no one is giving in.
So I'll post yet again.

This time it's content will be almost zero. Just for the sake of it.


2:47 PM

Monday, May 25, 2009

I figured since no one is going to sacrifice, I will. 
So I'll post.

Dear reader - 
If one has been observant enough, one would have noticed that an astounding majority of our class has been infatuated by Boys Over Flowers, the Korean version of Meteor Garden. Of course it doesn't take a lot of effort for the reader to notice more than half the class giggling away behind their tablet screens.

This author, very unfortunately, has also taken up a liking for the addiction of drama series. I'm watching Boys Over Flowers as well.


9:21 PM

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Dear Lady Cheeseberry,
I'm sorry to inform you that your gossip is unfortunately inaccurate.
Balzato was in fact trying, and occasionally succeeding, to catch grasshoppers and spiders. And the poisonous berries were actually supposed to be fed to a certain Elaine Boo.
And I know this because... *coft coft* I was doing it with her.

- Invinsibleberry, who insists that BLODDY MELTED CHEESE is better than a set of found keys.
And I officially win since I used capslock. ha.

Cheeseberry, you made me lose a ballpoint and nearly stabbed me in the eye with it!
You are my nemesis forever.

5:07 PM

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Lady Cheeseberry's Society Papers-18 May 2009

Following fellow gossip Jupiter's fond name for the Blue and Yellow Girls' Secondary School, I have decided to use the same name for that particula school so as not to confuse my non-existent readers. It has been noted by my informants that a particular Balzato has been out an about in the school field hiding from activities and instead trying to catch dragonflies. Also, at the end of it all, she gathered some 'poisonous berries' to feed the birds. What do you think? Meanwhile, during the hour-long recess, there has been a hiccup with a packet milo as it projectile-vomited onto the stone table in a remarkably straight line. While it happened, another person at the table announced loudly that she was going to buy some-more food, and thus was plagued with orders. Her face was a pretty picture, indeed. Names shall not be mentioned, but I would like to point out that Balzato is indeed a nodcock, as she is not able to notice one of my informants staring at her. That's all the gossip for today in Blue and Yellow Girls' Secondary School. Also, I have received information that the Secondary 2s in that school shall be receiving a sexuality education talk the next day, and I know for a fact that most of them are looking forward to it. How about that?
-Lady Cheeseberry, 13 May 2009

Informative, is it not? Maybe I'll post some random crap next time. Depends on how well it flows ;D

-Cheeseberry, who insists that a set of found keys is better that bloody melted cheese!

10:42 PM

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

One must always keep them, unless they were meant to be broken in the first place.

But rules-
aren't they always meant to be broken?

Hopefully this will justify for my previous post on attires.

Jupiter, the one whose mother insists must rest soon.

9:23 PM

It is rather... freakier than the Athenian Murders.
For me anyways.

Yay for meaningless acronyms.

9:14 PM

Okay, time to post. (Or rather, outdo Cheeseberry on this one - no offense, Cheese.)

Dear reader -

It does seem that pressure is non-existent after the examinations. It is a time to relax... and let go.

But let go of what, exactly?

Some students had evidently decided to release their already loose grip on rules and regulations. Several students from the Blue and Yellow Girls' Secondary School have been spotted at Plaza Singapura trotting around and parading their fascinating uniform. I was reluctantly amused when I saw this, as I felt that there was barely anything about the attire to be proud of. This act, however, has not amused others as it had entertained this author. It had earned some speculative glances and murmurs from the public. 

This author is glad to observe that the 'public' mentioned earlier was only a small percentage of the people present at the cinema. This is due to the fact that the larger percentage is made up of other students who have also discarded their school regulations. When all is said and done, majority wins. 

Hence this author had also came to the conclusion that if one cannot win then one must join them. So I loosened my grip on certain prospects of certain rules - that is perfectly capable of being overlooked and is also forgivable, of course - and simply... let go.

Jupiter, 12th May 2009

9:06 PM

Lady Cheeseberry's Society's Papers-12 May 2009 

It seems that banana rags are flying all about in the city. People have been slipping on them while drinking their ice-coffee-blended drinks and are delighting in the slippery, yellow toothbrushes falling on their heads. Also, banana phones are all the rage now, as are waffles, following up to IB's post a few posts ago. The colour that everybody is favouring is black, and it looks like rotten banana rags stitched together-very poorly, I must say- into something that looks like a barely decent phone. Meanwhile, toilets are reported to smell like a mixture of banana perfume and papaya seeds, and people keep stopping by to put their heads in and smell the wonderful smell. It seems that people are finally getting their wits back. I now end with this quote, of which I think makes much sense-I’m tired of all this nonsense about beauty being only skin-deep. That’s deep enough. What do you want, an adorable pancreas? – Jean Ker
I know that you know that I know that this is the most wonderful quote ever and you know that I know that you know that I know that you know that I know that you know that I know that you know that I know that you know that I know that you know that I know it.  And thus I end today's society papers. All's well with the world and their inhabitants, if not for banana rags and bananaphones with waffles.
-Lady Cheeseberry, 12 May 2009

I'm sorry but I really have nothing to post and I promised Jupiter I'd post after the exams so there. I hope you like bananas. If not, I hope you puked your intestines out.

5:14 PM

Monday, May 11, 2009

It was covered in cracks! And veins!
And any self respecting zombie would admire them.


We don't have each other's msn! >.>

If you're not scared of him then why did you kill him?! oAo

9:34 PM

Math is tomorrow.

And IB and I are using blogger to chat?

I'm out of my mind. 

Jupiter, the one who has no sense of timing.

12:13 PM

Oh come on.
It's not as if he looked like he wanted to live any longer.

(For those who did not get the honour of meeting IB's best friend, he's a skull covered with moss)


And yes, I did see it in the morning but I'm sure I won't think of him at night. Because tomorrow is the Math Exam and Maths is most likely my weakest subject from the looks of last year's result slip.

12:09 PM

Jupiter killed my best friend!
With burritos?


And he only did not completely terrimogrify you because you saw it in the morning.

11:25 AM

Oh for the love of God.

I was surprised, not shocked to see IB's best friend.
As much as I hate horror movies, I'm not that afraid.
I may jump, I may gasp, but I won't stay up the entire night thinking of who IB's best friend is.

The only thing I can think of for the entire of last night was that I've still got plenty of math questions I still can't do, and that the math exam is just round the corner.


9:23 AM

Sunday, May 10, 2009

I feel like going up behind Jupiter now and saying 'ZUMBEHHHH' the nice way that I can only do when I have a sore throat.
Which is weird, since I'm somehow listening to Resident Evil soundtracks that my friend sent me a long long time ago >.>
My dad is currently trying to have conference calls on two phones at the same time while drinking diet coke and complaining about how bad the line is here.

The totally invisible and therefore invincible INVINSIBLEBERRY.
Who's a ninja.

He's my best friend.

10:05 PM

I'd suffered from the same thing, IB. The whole typing-the-invisible thing. Thanks for changing it.

But anyway, I'm posting because I'm trying to keep my eyes off the television screen.

There's a horror movie going on, and my father is chewing away on his apple like nothing's wrong. I'm really frustrated. He knows, and I can vow, he KNOWS how much I detest and loathe horror movies. Since young he'd never changed the channel when an advertisement comes on. I have to hide my face in my pillow because, well, I was about seven years old, you know. And now I'm timing how long it takes for him to change the channel.

From the sounds he's making as he nibbles his apple (I can't see his face because I'm not looking anywhere else except my screen,) I can tell that he's not changing the channel anything soon.

If anyone taps my shoulder now, I'm going to explode.

Men! Inconsiderate cads, one and all.

(You know, I'd never thought I'd say that up till a few seconds ago.)

Jupiter, the one whose temper right now resembles a ticking bomb.

9:00 PM

yay, the cbox. I made it look all nice and boring now.
I wanted to deck it in Qwerty colors but decided not to.
Because I got tired of not being able to see what I'm typing, thanks to some bloddy cheeseberry.
That's why there was one tag by this person called QWEQWERTYWHALERTYWHALE.
And... that's it.

And Jupiter, you'll be able to tell which berry is posting soon, since I'm all so much more awesome than her.

The Invinsibleberry who's a Ninja and Oozes Pure Ebil.

immagination is a pretty word.

5:17 PM

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Is anyone going to edit the skin? 
The 'immagination' to 'imagination'?
(I'm not going to do it btw. Blogskins and I have this longstanding agreement. I don't edit them, they don't go nuts on me.)

For my own benefit,

2:59 PM

Sorry IB. It's just that it's mostly CB that I suspect oh-so-often.


2:57 PM

Invinsibleberry's previous post is classic.
I don't think I stand a chance of not laughing each time I think of it.

We've finished all our exam papers so far except for Maths. Here's what I thought of them.
English Paper 1: Okay, so I picked a rather unsuitable question for compo. But it doesn't matter because I wasn't really thinking straight that time so whatever question that I picked would've been done badly.
English Paper 2: What Bangladesh tribe is that? 
HCL Paper 1: Wow. Joan Chua did her 报章报道. But I'm rather good myself too. I did 公函. (:
HCL Paper 2: As far as bad exams go, this was one of the worst. I felt as though I was reading some language from Planet Rohande. 
Science: I screwed up the last question. What else is there to ask?
History: Refer to invinsibleberry's post and you'll know what kind of damage History can do to certain parts of the Human Mind.
Literature: It contributed greatly to my recent hand-ache. If you must know, it started aching during the History paper.
(Yet-to-be-Maths: Oh, it was terrible. The paper was absolutely difficult and they got us to do seven graphs for paper 2. I felt like crying after the paper. How could I keep my tears from flowing?)

It is perfectly alright to ignore the last few sentences in the ( )s.

That's all I can post for now. My hand hurts too much.

Jupiter, the one of the hand-ache.

11:54 AM

Thursday, May 7, 2009

This source is not reliable. Source Mingen says "I am not allergic to milk." By cross-referencing, this is challenged by source invinsibleninjaberry. Source invinsibleninjaberry says "Mingen said she was allergic to milk." This means that Mingen is a liar. Source Mingen is biased and has a hidden agenda. Therefore it is not reliable.

do you like waffles?
-yea we like waffles!
do you like pancakes?
-yea we like pancakes!
do you like french toast?
-yea we like french toast!

do do do do can't wait to get a mouthful!
do do do do can't wait to get a mouthful!

do you like waffles?
-yea we like waffles!
do you like pancakes?
-yea we like pancakes!
do you like french toast?
-yea we like french toast!

do do do do can't wait to get a mouthful!

For someone's benefit.I AM INVINSIBLEBERRYYY

8:18 PM

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Hi. I am being forced to update so I shall. Jupiter's blogging a lot :O wow.

I doubt I can do that.

My own blog is dead for pity's sake.

Is that right?

Let's do the worm! 


Eh Lol.

Ehm, no inspiration right now.

Unless you want me to whine? No, you don't. I knew it. 

Well, shows over.

Next up, invinsible berry!! *clap clap*

What, no applause?

Ha, invinsible berry, in your face!

*for what?*

Even I don't know...

This is a long post :D

I shall end here!


Coming right up, invinsible berry!

Applause not needed but you aren't bothering with it so...

-Written in bloodied cheese by cheeseberry. 

5:18 PM


❤ whackaddooooodddlleleeee. And we're all insane :D

&Silly cookie

The monsters
Jupiter, cheeseberries and invinsibleberry.
Our ultimate aim is to drive everyone insane. Read this and slowly you'll become one of us.
Just in case you're curious, we'll sign off every post that's done by us, so you can see who wrote what.

&Utter nonsense

&silly friends


&silly life

April 2009

May 2009

June 2009

July 2009

August 2009

February 2011

January 2012

February 2012

&big thankyou

This skin was entirely made by vintage.veggie. Resources used have been credited, strictly no touching any of the credits. Basecodes were done by me as well.

x x x