For the two realms, Life and Death, sleep together with Time.
Friday, June 19, 2009

Meh, so I shall post on the subject of homework as well.
Because of a certain cheeseberry, I got addicted to a weird game called domo.
Which is surprising because at first I just started banging my head on the keyboard and it took me an hour to figure out how to walk.
I know you have nothing to say, so I shall just run away.
---- bye.

7:25 AM

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

This post has one sole purpose - to prevent this blog from dying.
So I don't really have any particular subject to post about.

Let's start with our holiday homework.
It isn't all that much, actually. It seems manageable. But the problem with all holiday homework is that no matter how much or how little it is, it still is too much to handle during the holidays.
Hence as usual, holiday homework is a lot and I'm slacking so I don't think I can finish it on time. 

I'll just end here since I really have nothing else to say.


6:04 PM

Lady Cheeseberry's Society Papers-17 June 2009
Dear Reader:

Today is a milestone for us here at 'The Insane Flying Bananarangs' Company. It so happens it is one of the three only employees, owners, managers, cleaners, editors, and well you get the idea's, birthday. Jupiter's, in fact. Therefore, let's sing her a birthday song!

I want to eat Jupiter
I want to eat Jupiter
But it's full of funny gas
So I don't want to.

By the way. The song was about the PLANET, not the person. But for the person...

Saya suka makan you
Saya suka makan you
But unfortunately if I eat you
There'll only be two left.

And as you very well know, two is too little. 'Cos I won't post for ages. Going on, there has been breaking news at the 'Pianos in the Air' Company. Pianos are running havoc, and they are operating on the snow that has fallen into the sea of eyes, in the Singapore Zoo in the Penguin enclosure. Such a thing is, of course, unheard of. It makes a good change, however, to the large amount of half-decomposed fish floating around in the Bears' fur. It was a largely amusing, and smelly, sight. And smell.

Going on, I would like to report that koalas are rampaging in the street, and eating your hair. DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT, run out into the street to feed them your hair right now, as it has been established that this is a mutant species of koala, and feeding them means to kill them. Indeed, I urge you to let them chew on lampposts instead, as they are so much healthier for you. And them, of course, but seeing as we are humans, is it not natural our first priority is us?

IB is bending my book! I shall disembowel her and bleed her. Except, I just remembered that we're supposed to become zombies together. That's all for today. Happy Birthday, J. We hope you have a memorable one. JUst try to stay out of the Koalas' hands.

-Lady Cheeseberry,17 June 2009

3:30 PM

Monday, June 1, 2009

meheh, I said I'd post, but there's really nothing to post about.
And since I'd not be satisfied with a post of a few sentences with nil content, I shall post a post of a few paragraphs with nil content. yay.

The latest craze for me is to be taking pictures of the feet of everyone I pass -.-
It was the result of a boring half hour waiting for my cousins at the airport... and now it is officially named the Nobody Looks at Feet project! After that story in A Dip in the Poole.
Ah, since I have nothing to do, I shall compile a picture of the feet I have photographed so far.
Not that many, but good enough considering I started today.
There were some more I think, but they got lost somewhere in my phone =w=
Of course, the white shoes that got so many pictures are mine.
I'm going to try and thread in my new bright green shoelaces and see how it goes.
If anyone recognizes their foot here, I'm sorry, you have nice feet.

Oh, and as promised.

who wears sunglasses.

7:01 PM

Since it apparetly did not piss her off, I changed it back. It's rather hard to read, you know. I know, you're so glad I'm practical. Unlike Jupiter who used underhanded means to make me post. >:O

10:48 AM


❤ whackaddooooodddlleleeee. And we're all insane :D

&Silly cookie

The monsters
Jupiter, cheeseberries and invinsibleberry.
Our ultimate aim is to drive everyone insane. Read this and slowly you'll become one of us.
Just in case you're curious, we'll sign off every post that's done by us, so you can see who wrote what.

&Utter nonsense

&silly friends


&silly life

April 2009

May 2009

June 2009

July 2009

August 2009

February 2011

January 2012

February 2012

&big thankyou

This skin was entirely made by vintage.veggie. Resources used have been credited, strictly no touching any of the credits. Basecodes were done by me as well.

x x x