For the two realms, Life and Death, sleep together with Time.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Hmphh. Since no one is posting, I figured I might as well do something nice other than spamming J's tagboard. Therefore I shall post.

The Orange poncho beside me is made up of cheese and the moon is made up of orange poncho. Therefore werewolves are too attracted by the smell of wood and will transform into boxes on Christmas Day.

The end.

Thank me.

9:06 AM

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Searching for blogskins. Found many nice ones. I guess I'm searching for them ahead of time when I'm bored of my current one and I'm too lazy to find another. I'd like to say a big thank-you to my LSCEP teacher. He made us call him Mr Roger, I guess he hates his surname. Ah well. I would too, if I had his surname. Anyways he got me addicted to making my PBL Website. I'm not sure whether it's so that I don't have to worry about it anymore next time, but I'm pretty sure it's got something to do with the fact that it's due like, next month. Ugh.

Self-proclamation: I do not think I look like any of my family members. Although everyone else seems to think otherwise.

I am officially hooked to 'Amazing' by Janelle. Thanks, fish. Treat you to walrus diahhroea next time ;) To those who do not get the joke, too bad. You suck. Naw. Joking. Or not. And J just got me watching Hitler ranting about various things on YouTube. I really feel like punching her. Made me waste precious time watching that shit. Maybe I'll just make her laugh while she's drinking water, or pull her hair. Always easier.

Today it rained the whole of Math lesson. It was actually pretty interesting. I kind of understand sets. Or I did. Until she set us this cheem cheem question. I shall ask my sister, but I think the answer is 3. And if she doesn't know-quoting her 'You think I understand sets? Who understands them anyway??'from last night-I won't ask my dad. He'd probably give me this half an hour long explanation, then another half hour telling me how I should ask him questions like this more often, then expect me to whip out this humungous book and start jabbering questions. I say, no. Thanks.

To Jie: You don't really think I'd give him my blog address? He'd probably spam it to high heavens.

Going back to Math lesson. PA kept on and on about sets and actually I wanted to go out and look at the solar eclipse. Unfortunately, it was raining(which further proves J's theory about it always raining during her lessons). So not much to see, anyway.

I finally mastered the art of turning on the TV in my house! <3 Yay. It's not as easy as you think it is. I have 3 bloody remotes in my house and you have to press and there's a kind of order to it. Once I got it out of this huge, majoy fluke, and promptly forgot how I did it. But then one night I remembered to ask my mum how to on the TV and she told me. I'm so proud of myself :)

I made Bella cheat on Alifish :) who was cheating on Bella, really, with Hickey, Cheese, Jellyfish, and Billy(I think). Anyways. I like saying 'Ming En... you suck' to the one in question, because, really, there's something so wonderfully poetic about it, don't you think? It's wonderful.

I really should start usin my rubber stamps again. But it's kind of hard to stand and sit, stand and sit, to get the dumb stamps. I would try and force my mum to clean out the bottom shelf of the cabinet (of which she occupies half, but that's not as bad as my sister) so I can relocate them.
My sister, as I was saying, takes up half of the dining table and several chairs. I don't even go down there. I stay up here.Explains why my bed is so messy, but then again, I can clear it up within 5 minutes, and I know where all of my stuff are. I think. I think I'll buy Kira-Kira. It's quite nice. Weedflower sounds nice too. Sometimes JiaYi comes up to J's table-and mine, she kind of stands at this middle line- and goes 'the 2 quiet people!' or something like that. Truly, it is not so. Just ask Alina and Mun Yun. I think they'll go otherwise cos according to Simin and Clarice, we fight. But we don't! We have a heated discussion. That's all. Like we were fighting about Macbeth during lit, about what the witches were. Sorry, discussing loudly. And heatedly. But we don't fight.

Watched some funny video in EL class today, called SIGNS. It's quite funny, watching the poor guy's miserable face in his miserable routine. He's so pathetic, it's funny. In the end her resorts to staring at some girl through the window in his office. She sits opposite him. They meet in the end(damn) and well, I hope she's smart enough to dump the guy. If she isn't, she deserves to rot in hell. I'm rather like Jess, I don't tell people to go to Hell, 'cos then they'd blame me if they did. Speaking of which I'd love to meet Ceberus one day. Is that how it's spelt? I'll post this on The Blog ('cos J ain't gonna revert I might as well follow her) and be done with blogs for the day. This post is so long. I'm so proud of myself. And I didn't even rant once. Wow. I must be on a high on Walrus Diarhhoeas :)

4:43 PM

Saturday, July 18, 2009

My first post in a really really long time. Because I have a boring and freaky life and I have nothing to say really.
For the rain poem, I actually wanted to do something with lots of blood flowing into the rain and stuff I think it had to 'show something good about humanity' or something? -.- Face it, there's really nothing good to show about in real life.
I mean, who the hell would get out of the car on a rainy day to help pick up apples?

anyway I shall post on telepathy.
It was what me and my friends were crazy over in P6, probably because we were just plain crazy back then.
Back then when someone said the same thing as you we didn't say JINX but we said telepathy!
Maybe it was just about knowing each other too well, but we tried it out like what the internet said (lol).
So I was the sender, who sends the mental images over and she was the receiver who receives them. (duh.)
And it worked, quite alot of times too. Like the plant in my room, my seashell wind chimes etc. Really it's quite kewl o_o And we didn't start from the basic things like colors like the internet told us to.
And we started buying blue ice (which I hated) because apparently it was our 'mana potion'.
And then we would go to the library and put our heads down on the table and start sending messages to each other -.-
We even tried to do it during a test.
The idea was that we would practice until we could send all the answers and we would do it during PSLE and get the same score and go to the same school.
I was supposed to send her the first five answers for the MCQs.
And when I was done I gave the signal (which was pushing back my chair), and started sending like crazy until I had a headache.
But after the test I found out that she hadn't heard the signal and everything was screwed -.-
So that didn't work. But we got into the same school anyway.

And I wonder if anyone has noticed the smudge above the flying saucer thing over there >>.
Haha, my eyesight is so good.
Or maybe it's on my tablet screen? *rubrub* eh no.


11:23 AM

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Today. We had to write this dumb Chinese compo on rain. Yeah, so why can't they give us this kind of topics for English, huh, who cares about 'The Gift' anyway? Jeeesh. And I wanted to write about a lovers' spat in the middle of the rain on a road. And a car comes to knock them down. While they were spewing expletives! Ha. Talk about the vengeance of Him. Car Carnage. How so very apt. And J, she just had to write this pathetically short piece. Humph.
She's Malcolm's twin, I swear it.
Had Lit today too. Ugh. OQT kept crapping on about some weird thing, I didn't even know we had homework last time. Anything, Macbeth is so easy to understand! I like the way he and Lady Macbeth ended up in the end. Lady Macbeth is so cool. And I totally memorised the witches' charms: Thrice to thine and Thrice to mine, Thrice again to make up Nine. Peace! the charm's wound up.
It's so cool ok. I want to be a witch. Ok, uhm...PA was quite nice today but she kept us back like half an hour after PBL. For PBL. Enjoyed the EL presentations today. Ours was the best of the lot, I AM CONVINCED.

And so I posted. Ta.

10:27 PM

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Taken from the blog:
Clouds wafted over the chalk-white moon
A misty dream in the night of June (Just a note... I asked J for a word that rhymes with moon during Geog and guess what she told me? Noon.)
The face of the North wind blows this way
Only to be driven away by the light of day.

The Sun!
And the stars and the moon, away they run.
For the day does come far too early
Heralded by the flames on the sea.

But darkness is at the Galaxy's core.
And it shall rise again, majestic once more.
And the day's light it shall chase away,
And invite the moon's light, soothing rays. (Did a bit of change here. Didn't sound terribly good. Still doesn't, but there has to be some improvement.)

Yeah, this is how I occupy my lessons when I'm bored. No, I'm not ashamed of it. Yes, I distract J during lessons. No, I doubt she was listening in the first place. Thank you.

In personal defence of CB's comment of Jupiter:

Gentle clouds flirted over the pale moon,
A fantasy a world away from mid-noon.
The North wind dances in this direction,
The moon's face turns to give its full attention.

Noon can sound poetic, okay.


I listen during lessons, okay! 
(PS This is not a bold-faced denial.)

With this I rest my case (until another one arises again.)

I googled what rhymed with direction. They gave me erection.
To think I trusted Google! 


9:52 PM

Monday, July 13, 2009

Today, I am bored. I shall post two of my poems I wrote in school for fun. NO LAUGHING JUPITER. NO MATTER WHETHER IT IS IT/HE/SHE THAT DIED.

A shadow fell over her
A black vacuum
A coloured piece of nothing.
She froze in place
Rigid and upright, not
Trusting herself to
Turn 'round.
Dread filtered through to her
Blackness from
found a body in the form of
She resigned herself
A knife through her
Blood spread out in delicate veins
Across the cotton.
The blackness
Out, back into the
Together with her

Clouds wafted over the chalk-white moon
A misty dream in the night of June (Just a note... I asked J for a word that rhymes with moon during Geog and guess what she told me? Noon.)
The face of the North wind blows this way
Only to be driven away by the light of day.

The Sun!
And the stars and the moon, away they run.
For the day does come far too early
Heralded by the flames on the sea.

But darkness is at the Galaxy's core.
And it shall rise again, majestic once more.
And the day's light it shall chase away,
And invite the moon's light, soothing rays. (Did a bit of change here. Didn't sound terribly good. Still doesn't, but there has to be some improvement.)

Yeah, this is how I occupy my lessons when I'm bored. No, I'm not ashamed of it. Yes, I distract J during lessons. No, I doubt she was listening in the first place. Thank you.


5:26 PM

Sunday, July 12, 2009

I must post.
I will post.
I am posting.
I have posted.
As such, I have to ask for permission, I expect, to relax in Math Class.
I thought I liked Trig.
I was wrong.
As I was about many things.
This sounds melancholy, or it's starting to.
My eyes hurt after her forced eye exercise on us.
Damn, but they do.
I've gotten myself hooked to House of Night.
Which is, well, horrid.
Contrary to Jupiter's opinion, I rather like Mirander Cheever.
I mean, she punched the guy!
Of course I like the butler even more.
I like all butlers, because, they all seem to be very good for punching people.
I like Malcolm better because, of course, he goes 'Maw'. What better thing could you ask for? Except for a zombie, of course.
Not to say stir-fried zombies aren't nice but...
Back to the point(which I have no clue of) I think wardrobes are cool.
They declare war on you.
The day is not yet ended but your life soon will.
Aided by me.
And my cactus.
Thanks again. Jacqueline. Love the cactus.
You're right.
No more toenails.
Good day.

10:40 PM

Thursday, July 9, 2009

I post.
I post because no one else is posting,
and someone has to post.

Today we had 2 hours of Math lessons.
Alina brought cranberries to eat in class.
Miss Ang taught us methods of relaxing our eyes.
Li Yun complained that her eye hurt after trying out the method.
I was going to sleep.
Due to the fan, really. It makes me slightly drowsy.

I shall put all the above into Lady Whistledown style.

Dear reader - 
This author has spent the last few minutes pondering what could happen in 2 hours.
I must conclude that many, many things indeed can occur within 2 hours.
Someone could die. 
Another could finish his/her homework.
Others could finish reading a novel.
Some could fall asleep.
One could also download around 100 songs. (if a song should take slightly longer than a minute)
I, for one, could take these 2 hours to decipher a Chinese comprehension.
The list is endless.
However, our teacher chose to take these 2 hours to teach us Mathematics.

There's nothing surprising about that, I'm sure, since she is a teacher.
However, she did spend approx. 15 minutes of the time teaching us how to maintain good eyesight. (15 min = 12.5% of her lesson, which is incredibly generous)
Miss Ang seemed completely satisfied that she had passed on her knowledge to 41 students.
Alina ate her cranberries, I suppose.
LiYun had complained that her eye hurt even more after self-implementing Miss Ang's methods.
I was nodding off at the prospect of undergoing the therapy of The Fan, which hovered right above me. 
Not to say that Miss Ang is a terrible teacher, because she isn't.
Just that perhaps Miss Ang could consider twice before taking on an unenthusiastic class.


10:43 PM


❤ whackaddooooodddlleleeee. And we're all insane :D

&Silly cookie

The monsters
Jupiter, cheeseberries and invinsibleberry.
Our ultimate aim is to drive everyone insane. Read this and slowly you'll become one of us.
Just in case you're curious, we'll sign off every post that's done by us, so you can see who wrote what.

&Utter nonsense

&silly friends


&silly life

April 2009

May 2009

June 2009

July 2009

August 2009

February 2011

January 2012

February 2012

&big thankyou

This skin was entirely made by vintage.veggie. Resources used have been credited, strictly no touching any of the credits. Basecodes were done by me as well.

x x x