For the two realms, Life and Death, sleep together with Time.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

HELLLOOOO. I'm eating Mentos in an air-con room and my nose is freezing. For some reason.
Anyways, my last post was perfectly logical for an insane blog! Whoo.
Except for the I'm-so-awesome part cos everyone knows that's true.
Mr. Small is red, and small, so I call him Mr. Red anyway.
You should read 'Silenced' by Vicky Jaggers, it's very 有趣. And and the thing, you know that thing, over there, it's like so, you know, weird. You know right? I'm so happy to have someone who finally understands me.
Oh. I thought I saw the convo thing blink but it didn't. I'm going crazy.
Two dedications now~
And I'm mad, crazy, nuts, ape, barmy, bats in the belfry, batty, berserk, bonkers, cracked, crazed, cuckoo, daft,delirious, demented, deranged, dippy,erratic, flaky, flipped, flipped out, freaked out, fruity, idiotic, insane, kooky, lunatic, mad, mad as a March hare, mad as a hatter, maniacal, mental, moonstruck, nutty, nutty as fruitcake, of unsound mind, out of one's mind, out of one's tree, out to lunch, potty, psycho, round the bend, schizo, screw loose, screwball, screwy, silly, touched, unbalanced, unglued, unhinged, unzipped, wacky, absurd, balmy, beyond all reason, bizarre, cockeyed, derisory, eccentric, fatuous, foolhardy, foolish, goofy, half-baked, harebrained, idiotic, ill-conceived, impracticable,imprudent, inane, inappropriate, insane,irresponsible, loony, ludicrous, nonsensical, odd, out of all reason, outrageous, peculiar,preposterous, puerile, quixotic, ridiculous,senseless, short-sighted, silly, strange, unworkable, weird, wild.

Cheeseberry the Awesome (and you know it)

9:15 PM

Now IB's post was considerably more logical than CB's.

What, am I supposed to write a long story about Greek mythology now?

Well. I'll do just that.

"Look at me," said Spiral. "Yes, deep into my eyes. Now listen."

A long time ago, there were twins names Hypnos and Thanatos.
You see, Hypnos was the god of sleep while Thanatos was the god of death.
Hypnos was already envious of his brother, Thanatos. He felt that sleep was only a temporary loss of consciousness. However, death, to him, was eternal.
Hence he proposed a swap.
He would be the god of death for a day, and Thanatos would be the god of sleep for a day. By nightfall, they would have to return to their posts before their mother, Nyx, the goddess of night, descended.
Thanatos agreed. But he was one playful boy. He decided to cause the people to suddenly fall asleep while they were attending to their daily chores. As the humans fell to the ground, asleep, the people around them began to fear. They claimed that there was a demon lurking about waiting to eat the souls of humans. The superstitious people then fled the area fearing their safety.
When evening came, Hypnos and Thanatos went back to their original places. Hypnos, after a day of witnessing deaths, felt very tired and weary. Before he could put his head on his pillow to rest each night, he had to weave the spell of sleep for the people to rest in the night. However, he was shocked when he found out that Thanatos had evacuated the entire city. He panicked but it was too late. His mother had returned home and saw what he had done.
She wanted to punish him but Hypnos told her everything, hoping that it will lighten his punishment. Instead, Nyx dragged both Thanatos and Hypnos to Erebus for Erebus to settle. Nyx was busy, you see, and had little time for her dozens of children. But Erebus was busy speaking to Herema, their other sister and also the goddess of night, about not rushing off before Nyx had arrived home. Erebus was too busy reprimanding the children of Nyx that he had fathered. So he let them off with a stern warning and instructed Hypnos to bring back all the people to their homes.
Hypnos was devastated. It was a difficult task! He turned to Thanatos, but Thanatos simply shrugged and walked off. Hypnos then cast a spell on the fleeing humans. He put them into a half-sleep and while they were semi-conscious, guided them back to their hometown. With the help of Apate, his step-sister and also the goddess of deceit, he erased their memories.

Ta-daa. It's flawed at parts, perhaps the facts are slightly skewed, but still. It's invented and original.


8:51 PM

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Hi I'm back again after being invisible for a while. That was fun wasn't it.

Basically there's a scheme for tomorrow to freak lao shi out during chinese lesson.
Two insane essays will be written.
Hopefully, someone will have a heart attack.
Not so hopefully, two people's marks will be butchered.

The light flicked on.
The room was cast in a harsh orange light.
I rummaged around in the shelves, fervently hoping that I would find what I came here for.
I was vastly out-numbered; not that that would stop me.
The enemy must be defeated.
I will fight till my last breath; I will not be made to submit to them in my own territory!
My hands brushed a cool metallic surface. I grabbed at it desperately, with a faint surge of relief.
I dashed out of the storeroom, leaving the light streaming through the door.
Through the hall, into the kitchen.
They were there.
Swarming all over the walls and the floor, their bodies pitch-black against the white ceramic.
A shiver went through my body. I gripped the insecticide in my hands till my knuckles turned white.
They were coming!
All over my counter-top, the sink, the floor rug ---
A surge of anger crashed through me.
Not. My. Floor rug.
My vision was filmed with red as I pressed the release button on the spray, crying out savagely.
The spray advanced across the kitchen, a near-invisible white cloud of death.
Death to the ants.
I spun around, filling the room with the insecticide, flooding my lungs with the pungent smell until a fit of coughing hit me.
Finally, I released the button from my sore finger.
The room was still.
The mist faded away, its job done.
I took in a breath of insecticide-free air and surveyed the carnage.
The black carcasses were strewn over every surface. They were lifeless and more certainly dead.
I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.
I had won.
Against insurmountable odds, I had won.
I did a dance across the room--
before I realized what I was doing.
The black bodies were crushed and stuck to my feet.
Frantically, I wiped them off with my free hand. They stuck to my hand.
The mangled bodies lay around the room.
Their beady eyes watched my every movement.
'Look away!' I cried, but there was no answer but silence.
I made a wild dash to my bedroom, where I scrubbed my hand clean with a towel and tossed it to the opposite side of the room. It hit the wall and fell to the floor, scattering the mutilated bodies with it.
I stopped, panting.
The silence was deafening.
A movement!
It crawled across the wall and stopped.
The blackness contrasted with the white.
Its eyes were on me.
I screamed, shattering the silence that threatened to crush me.
The spray can slammed against the small body on the wall, splashing its contents onto everything in the vicinity, including me.
The smell spread across the room.
In a frenzy, I grabbed the towel and scrubbed at the stain the liquid made on my shirt.
'Out, damned spot! Out I say!'
The ant still watched me, immersed in the pool of liquid.

A scream echoed in the night.
The yellow light streamed across the empty white floor, until it faded away into the morning light.
Nothing but silence was left, and this time nothing moved.

This is what I plan to write for chinese essay. Only in chinese of course.
Though I'm not sure I have the vocab to write it. I wrote this primary school style to make it easier.
I don't know whether insecticide really works like that, and many factual stuffs are wrong but who cares.
Oh and I have first hand experience of this kind of situation.
I was alone in my room reading manga when I suddenly found my bed infested with ants.
Obviously, I was pretty freaked out. As in horror-movie-being-hunted-by-ghost freaked out.
I crawled to my sister's bed to get out of the way and gave it my normal treatment, which was leave it alone and the problem will solve itself.
But the ants kept coming over. And everytime they did I would blow them back, but eventually I got frustrated and crushed them with my hand. They stuck to my hand, and I was wiping it frantically on the bolster.
After a while I started throwing things at the ants and, I kid you not, screaming at them to go away and leave me alone, and what do they want with me I never did anything to them.
I was close to tears by then and I went to the bathroom to wash the bodies off my hand, and found the sink also infested. Then I went crazy and started using water to splash them and screaming why won't you die already! DIEDIEDIEDIEDIE.
Then I decided I was going to get out of there and took my blankets and pillows and beat them insanely against the walls and the door, slammed the door and ran to my parents' room and dumped everything there. Then I sat down on the floor and watched the pile for an insane amount of time trying to spot the ants crawling around on it.
I haven't been back to my room since. I make the excuse that the aircond in my parents' room is colder.
This is a true story :) Night time, overactive imagination and ants can drive a person insane.
Luckily no one was around or I'll be in an insane asylum by now, because I was obviously a little crazy back then -.-

But that's what this blog is for, crazy people. And now I have made an insanely long post. Hurrah.

8:04 PM

Friday, August 21, 2009

HELLLOOOO. I bet you missed me 'cos I'm so awesome :DD
What shall I blog about today?
OK, let's go with... eidesis. Watch J run far, far awayy.
Actually, I kind of forgot the basis for eidesis, except there's this long passage where the author is hinting at the eidetic image. Wow. Like the lion! I will forever be in awe of those who can write eidetic passages. Like that whats-his-name. I bet he went mad in the end though, yayy.
I need to kill myself, and soon.
Yes, I know you love me, but I hate you.
Thank you for the-- wait, that was insult.
Nevermind, thanks anyway.
I'm polite.
Ever so polite.
And you love me.
For nothing, but still, thanks.
I have nothing left to crap about.
OK, this post actually has some content. I talked a bit about my awesome-ness (I understated), then a bit about eidesis, and then a meaningless conversation. Hey, people, let's have an eye-gazing party sometime soon! And we shall all wear red necklaces :D

10:57 PM

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

When you read this, please remember how nice I am, writing logical things instead of spouting nonsense. (introduction)

I believe that e-learning isn't all that glamorous. (content)
It is distracting. (elaboration)

Hence I am not enjoying myself. (ending)
I'm sure there are people that feel the same way too. (elaboration)

My post is complete. (postscript)


11:36 AM

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Hmm. J got the 'golden' anniversary for the blog and yet she didn't say anything. I've half a mind to delete it now. Anyway, ... I have nothing to say. I shall now expound upon how bored I am. Or not. I don't know.

Once upon a time there was a piece of cheese. It started to fly around all the lamp-posts which in turn longed to be like it. Soon, there was a legend among the lamp-posts known as 'The Flying Cheese'. Not long after, there were rumours floating around that the Cheese was e-mortal, could tap-dance without tap shoes, and it could shape-shift. All the other cheeses around the world now aspired to be like the Cheese one day. Of course, the Cheese was rather sad that he'd become such an iconic figure and that he couldn't steal from the choking pink stumps of werewolf tongues. But he continued on, preventing the mould from spreadin, carefully picking out and eating whatever mold grew on him. Soon he got to half the size he was when he first started to fly, and so he went to the Carnivorous Cow for some milk to pump himself up again. The Carnivorous Cow agreed to provide some milk for him, but only if he brought back 3 ragged hopping bookcases for him. So the Cheese agreed. He went on the road dressed as a highwayman and soon came across a convoy of ragged hopping bookcases. He picked out three of them and lured them away. When he presented them to the Cow, the bookcases were so excited at the prospect of being eaten by their Hero's friend/associate, and started to hop, skip, and jump. Unfortunately one of them hopped, skipped, and jumped at the wrong time, and the Cow choked on him and died. Then they saw the Cow's teeth and realised (wrongly) that their Hero had introduced them to the Cow because he knew that they would kill the Cow, and they marveled at his bravery and willingness to put the Bookcases in danger for the sake of everyone else. And thus the Cheese became a Saver of Lives and Fortune Teller. But the Cheese could live with that. So he took his curdled milk and flew off. But then the time came when he started to become a Cheese who could fly, Tap-dance without tap shoes, e-Mortal, Saver of Lives, Fortune Teller, Wig-maker, and Venus Fly Fan. He could not stand Venus Fly Fans. They were vain and fussy and naggy... and the title because he'd told a Cadbury Hippo Lamb not to eat too much of it's ear or it would become deaf. Of course, since 3/4 of its ear was gone, it couldn't hear the Cheese, so the Cheese had to repeat it 10 times for the Lamp to hear the Cheese. So now, it was also known as a Venus Fly Fan. The Cheese couldn't stand it, so he let the mould grow all over him and he died. The end.


9:19 PM

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Time for me to post.

BTW you haven't been signing off.

We have English speech(oral) on Monday. Wish me luck.

This will be the kind of post that is written for the sake of writing, and that only. 
Don't say that there is no topic because the topic is that we have English speech on Monday.
Don't say that I haven't commented on the topic because I have asked you to wish me luck.

Hence this is a post with content.

I have posted. Your turn.

Of course I have to sign off,

6:51 PM


❤ whackaddooooodddlleleeee. And we're all insane :D

&Silly cookie

The monsters
Jupiter, cheeseberries and invinsibleberry.
Our ultimate aim is to drive everyone insane. Read this and slowly you'll become one of us.
Just in case you're curious, we'll sign off every post that's done by us, so you can see who wrote what.

&Utter nonsense

&silly friends


&silly life

April 2009

May 2009

June 2009

July 2009

August 2009

February 2011

January 2012

February 2012

&big thankyou

This skin was entirely made by vintage.veggie. Resources used have been credited, strictly no touching any of the credits. Basecodes were done by me as well.

x x x