For the two realms, Life and Death, sleep together with Time.
Saturday, February 19, 2011

To Whoever It May Concern,
Dear (add Mr/Ms/Mrs/Mdm) whats-your-name
Lately, I have been experiencing some problems with my nose. It has been insisiting on going to 'Never Never Ever Land', and keeps trying to run off my face. I know this, because I always hold it back with a loud sniff and I interrogated it by not allowing it to breathe until it told me where it was running to.
Now, I know that you told it this, because it said so, and no nose, other than Pinocchio's nose, will lie. Therefore, I sincerely request you to come visit it again, while I am sleeping, just like the last time (again, I know this from my nose), and tell it terrible stories of Never Never Ever Land. A few examples would be how it has no tissue paper there, or the air there is so terribly clean that a few parts of it will come in completely useless. And how noses there discriminate against other noses for being washed daily.
In all truth, these stories are most likely not true. For the better good of my nose, however, please tell it these 'fables', if you will. If the only reason why you're telling it to visit you is to help the Tourism Board over there (I completely understand; Never Never Ever Land is not such a terrible catchy name for an up and coming land. We shall tackle this issue later) I will gladly donate a few tissues and perhaps some facial cream in return for your help in dissuading it to come. I believe this will more than make up its absense from that land. If all you would like to do is to show it how wonderful Never Never Ever Land is, please know that a few photographs will go a long way. Perhaps a 3G phone call while I am sleeping, so it will not pester to see that land 'live'. My nose has an extremely odd taste.
Regarding the name of Never Never Ever Land and its failing tourism industry: I suggest a change of name, such as Forever and Always hahanonotreally Land. This will make it a little more subtle, and people might overlook the fine print and come over. On the other hand, you could, like Australia, join Asia. This would result in cheaper fares for Asians, and more would want to see what your land looks like. This will not only enhance tourism business, you will never ever have to go around luring noses in anymore.
I hope this letter will not go unnoticed, or tossed to the side and ignored. Hopefully this will be of help to your tourism business, and you'd better come fix this problem with my nose once and for all. Once it stops trying to run away, tissue and facial wash will be sent your way. Although promises from humans can't be trusted, I would like to submit this promise to you and hope that you suscribe to it.
Yours Sincerely,

9:47 PM

Belated post;

I GOT A CARROT (or a drawing anyway, they can't even be bothered to get me a real carrot) FOR VALENTINE'S DAY FROM JUPITER AND IB. Tsk.
And there were cookies, and chocolates, and notes. Valentine's Day is the day you make everyone fat. And then not feel guilty about getting fat hurhurhurhur. I didn't make anyone fat because I didn't buy anything for my class/CCA mates HAHAH whooooooooooooops. But they should thank me :D

Btw IB and Jupiter, thanks for the carrot, really. Although the message was ever so slightly more meaningful -.- BOTH OF YOU SUCK! tsk. And me so thoughtfully giving you each a book and all.

You know I know you know I know you know I know you know I know you know I know you know you love me, Cheeseberry 8D

12:26 AM

Sunday, February 13, 2011

For whatever it counts for, tomorrow is Valentine's day.
And it helps when someone asks you, "Nothing to do on Valentine's day? Go for my concert." It just utmost encouraging.

I have decided that carrots are very helpful. They are orange and cruel. IB, if you're reading this, I've scanned the vampire carrot hohoho.

Hands up if you think the lyrics to Teenage Dream is retarded but the melody is nice. And the title.

There is a witch amongst us.
Not IB and CB and me, just amongst the people in our school. She - yes, a she - is disguised as a harmless old woman. Some even call her cute. She behaves as a damsel in distress. But beware: everyone is bewitched by her so do not let your guard down. She gives off assignments with a curse on the questions to baffle us and bring us back to her remedial lessons so that she can suck away our energy to maintain her youth. Though it doesn't seem to be working (on the outside at least), it is happening. You were warned.

I have yet to fall in love and find a purpose for Valentine's day. But who cares.

I always forget its date.

And lately Chinese passages seem to be getting sad. As in, the story.

Life is sad, and art imitates life.


9:32 PM

Just checking in; Jupiter has naught to say just yet.

Bet she was rendered speechless by mine and IB's awesomesauce posts.

I love compound eye walruses

Wait, this doesn't make sense... if this was done by IB why should Alifish not claim the credit? They are the same person.
- J.

9:16 PM

WHAT IS THIS. WHAT IS IB'S POST. WHAT. I CAN'T EVEN WRAP MY FEEBLE MIND AROUND THIS PIECE OF. LOVE TDD?! Okay maybe a little but just 'cos I'm not in the squad.
I have to eat stupid Khong Guan biscuits and water instead of my beloved Lexus chocolate cream biscuits:( I hate Khong Guan biscuits and new water. I prolly won't go down for recess. BAH.

I'm not in the squad, oh cruel world. Anyhoos, happy Total Defence Day. Yeah, join NS, peeps. It'll make you all manly, just like the guys you see in the TV advertisements (Y) Plus your siblings and parents will be so proud of you <3 BONUS!

Moving on, I see my post has inspired IB and consequently Jupiter to post something, too. Banzai! (Does this mean something like keep going! or some sort in Japanese?)

So; continuing my study of Fascist Japan now.

Cheeseberry the Inspiring, done for.

9:07 PM

For whatever it counts for, tomorrow is Valentine's day.
And it helps when someone asks you, "Nothing to do on Valentine's day? Go for my concert." It just utmost encouraging.

I have decided that carrots are very helpful. They are orange and cruel. IB, if you're reading this, I've scanned the vampire carrot hohoho.

Hands up if you think the lyrics to Teenage Dream is retarded but the melody is nice. And the title.

There is a witch amongst us.
Not IB and CB and me, just amongst the people in our school. She - yes, a she - is disguised as a harmless old woman. Some even call her cute. She behaves as a damsel in distress. But beware: everyone is bewitched by her so do not let your guard down. She gives off assignments with a curse on the questions to baffle us and bring us back to her remedial lessons so that she can suck away our energy to maintain her youth. Though it doesn't seem to be working (on the outside at least), it is happening. You were warned.

I have yet to fall in love and find a purpose for Valentine's day. But who cares.

I always forget its date.

And lately Chinese passages seem to be getting sad. As in, the story.

Life is sad, and art imitates life.

9:06 PM

Aaaaand finally, the day we've all been waiting for!
Tomorrow is...
the day we've all been waiting for!
It's currently 6 hours and 20 mins to...
the day we've all been waiting for!
Get ready for...
the day we've all been waiting f - *shot*


We must protect our country gaiz.
or girls. JOIN NS JOIN NS JOIN NS (hint hint)
We must prepare ourselves for wartime conditions by starving ourselves and eating meager portions of sweet potatoes one day every year.
I mean, doing this one day automatically means you can continue for the rest of your life.
And they need to condition you to the taste so you don't give up after two days and call McDonalds delivery which may allow the enemy to infiltrate our country and commit massive genocide.
The government also needs to tally up the number of people who are allergic to sweet potatoes so they can have an adequate supply of moldy bread stored in their secret base.
There is also an imminent need to remind students that NEWater exists.
So, food rationing. Extremely important exercise. All students who throw away potato skins shall be ostracized for a duration of three months. This is an activity that is absolutely essential for the survival of our country, after all.

Total Defence Day. We love it!


5:54 PM

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Hello Children
First with the news
A lake has been found in Antartica!
And now we take a break with a delightful song
Or two.
So anyways, I decided it was time to revive this thing. That we call a blog.
Have fun with Eidesis

Read the Athenian Murders.

Cheeseberry, over and out.

9:33 PM


❤ whackaddooooodddlleleeee. And we're all insane :D

&Silly cookie

The monsters
Jupiter, cheeseberries and invinsibleberry.
Our ultimate aim is to drive everyone insane. Read this and slowly you'll become one of us.
Just in case you're curious, we'll sign off every post that's done by us, so you can see who wrote what.

&Utter nonsense

&silly friends


&silly life

April 2009

May 2009

June 2009

July 2009

August 2009

February 2011

January 2012

February 2012

&big thankyou

This skin was entirely made by vintage.veggie. Resources used have been credited, strictly no touching any of the credits. Basecodes were done by me as well.

x x x